Monday, August 24, 2009

Seven Simple Steps to Success

These past few days have truly been a blessing. My head has been filling with all sorts of creative things: ideas, potential ventures, music, writing, etc. - all messages from beyond (THANK YOU). The days have slowly but surely been getting better.

If you can relate, here are some helpful tips that I have recently found very useful in their application:

1. Learn DISCERNMENT. Know when to make the right decision at the right time. One way that this can be achieved is through meditation. For those of you that don't do this regularly, trust me, I know what you're thinking. As if you needed another thing to add to your already impossibly busy schedule! I cannot stress this enough: it has and is changing my life. I am still battling with doing it regularly and consistently, but I'm hanging in there and determined to make it a part of my everyday life - it's absolutely undoubtedly worth it. Meditation can help you with learning as much as you can about your own 'instrument' (the mind, body, and soul as a whole entity - what feels right/wrong and how you can tell). This is a big one. For example, maybe you feel like you have so many options that you often have difficulty making a decision. Learning discernment will keep you organized by helping you to quickly prioritize, eliminate, and eventually decide.

2. PATIENCE. I don't know about you, but for me this is an obvious one. When you are impatient, you are showing that you do not trust things to happen when they are meant to or if they'll even happen at all. BE AT PEACE. Everything you desire will be yours when you are truly ready to receive it. First seek the Kingdom (and God/Goddess) within.

3. DISCIPLINE. Work hard! Fight! Show some reverence for your work, your Self, others, and the Universe for giving you what you asked for. When you are disciplined, it is a form of gratitude; it reflects your respect and appreciation for things. It shows that you value what you have been given. You'll soon find that once you have successfully formed a structure and routine that works specifically for you, you'll not only have the results which you have been seeking, but also a sense of balance, peace, and order in your life. "That which you are seeking is also seeking you."

4. As you work on #3, you'll find it easier to do #4: AVAILABILITY, ATTENDANCE, and ACCEPTANCE. Yes, these go in order. First, you must be available to attend what it is that you are being asked (or rather, called) to accept. It is difficult to be available when you aren't disciplined enough to be organized because you find yourself everywhere, anywhere at any time. Don't get me wrong - it's wonderful, admirable, courageous, and rewarding to be a "free spirit" (I practically wrote the book on that subject!). But there comes a time when duty calls and opportunity knocks. If you wish to accept the call (which you will because you are God's/our superhero and He/we need(s) you!), you MUST be available. You'd be surprised how quickly some doors will close. Also, don't forget to take your Vitamin B so that you have all the energy you need to keep you motivated, positive, and ready to go!

5. HONESTY. I don't just mean telling the truth when someone asks you a direct question or making the decision to not lie by omission. I mean real honesty - the kind where you reveal secrets that even YOU hide from yourself. Yeah. That's pretty big, if you ask me. Be honest with yourself not just so you can figure out what it is that you want and need to express, but because you deserve it! You deserve to know the truth. It is your right. You are a good, law-abiding, and upstanding citizen of your own personal government, and you have entitled access to the brilliant hidden treasure inside of you waiting to be revealed to you and only you.

6. TRUST yourself and your loved ones. I would like to share with you an excerpt to a meditation CD that I just purchased entitled, "The Power of Trust" by Gary Quinn (he has plenty of available self-growth resources and articles in case you are thinking about checking out some of his other works):

"We are continually faced with the choice of whether to live in fear, or to live in trust. Recognize the power that your thoughts and words carry, and be aware of your core belief system. When we put a lot of energy into fear, it immobilizes us and keeps us in a constricted space that leads us away from hope and possibility. Trust will lead you where you desire to go; it is a catalyst for movement. It supports you and carries you when nothing else can. The power of trust is infinite...When you put energy into trusting another person and their process, you are sending empowering energy to them. When circumstances are beyond your control, a loved one benefits so much more from your trusting energy than your worrying energy. Worrying energy contributes to a victim mentality. Trusting energy contributes to a space of empowerment. On some level, the vibrations of your thoughts reach that person. That highly vibrating energy is helping them to know that they can trust themselves, and that the Universe is lovingly guiding them along each step of their path..."

WOW. Beautiful, no?

7. My friends, we have come to the final step (Well, the number of steps are actually infinite, as are the number of options). SACRIFICE. If you wish to gain something of value, you MUST give something up. That's the rule. Think of the word 'sacrifice' and the text book definition:

1225–75; (n.) ME < class="ital-inline">sacrificium, equiv. to sacri- (comb. form of sacer holy) + -fic-, comb. form of facere to make, do 1 + -ium -ium; (v.) ME sacrifisen, deriv. of the n.


the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.

When you sacrifice, what you are doing is actually making a trade for something better. You have realized that what you have now is no longer of use to you because you have outgrown it. Good for you! That's what your Higher Self wants you to do. It wants you to make sacrifices because it wants you to keep growing. And we all know that you can't grow with a little bit of pain. It does hurt to give up something that you hold dear, but the reward is worth it.

Now, the same is true the other way around. When you gain something, you also are making a sacrifice of something else whether you realize it or not. It's the law of the Universe. There's simply no way around it. It is the Universe's way of maintaining order and balance. But you needn't worry about this, because the Universe will never make you sacrifice something that you still need in order to complete your mission on Earth. Rest assured, you are always being taken care of in every way. All you have to do is be a vessel of love.

FINAL WORDS/THOUGHTS: There's no right or wrong way to success as long as you are as true to yourself as you can possibly be. You are a loving being, you give 100% commitment, I KNOW you do. You may not think so; you may think to yourself, "I can do better." If that's the case, what's stopping you? Don't worry, there's plenty of time. I believe in you.


Whatever happened to the day when nothing, I mean NOTHING, got in the way of searching, seeking, and ALWAYS finding love? When did we become so fearful? What is there to be afraid of? Love? Isn't that what we're (more or less) looking for anyway???

Perhaps, my fellow lover, it is because true love - real real deep soul love - is all too powerful a thing; it is indeed something to be fearful of, like God (at least, that's what some would want you to believe - that God is to be feared). And the more afraid you are, it is quite possible that the closer you are to it.

Let me tell you that I have been afraid lately. I think this is the most scared I've ever been, frankly. "I'm afraid of getting hurt," we might often secretly think to ourselves. But if you really think about it, how can you get hurt when you have love all around you and inside you, when you ARE love? this what we do, spend every minute of every day searching for love? If that is truly the case, then we are also living in fear in those moments. We simply cannot allow our fears to dictate our efforts in our pursuit of love; all we have to do is realize that every day is a day dedicated to that very cause.

To recap: We only fear love because we are truly searching for it. We are subconsciously completely aware of what a tremendously powerful thing love really is, what it requires from and of us, and that the repercussions of such a thing can be quite 'dangerous'. Well, whether you like it or not, we are very close to love. In fact, we are always close! It is never far from us, it never leaves our side. And if we choose to address and overcome our fears, the door will open, and love will welcome us with open arms. Like a parent who must let their child go to discover the world on his/her own, love patiently and eagerly waits for our return. There is no time limit, no deadline; it will ALWAYS support you and provide for you, it will ALWAYS be there for you when you decide you are ready.

And should you be so blinded by your fears that you don't even know that they exist only to cloud your soul's truest and purest desire, it is then that I would say, "Be afraid. Be very afraid."